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WELCOME to our first monthly e-newsletter. AIM Strategies® is a management consulting firm specializing in thes of executive leadership, team effectiveness and organization development. Our AIM is to develop leaders who successfully apply innovative management techniques to today’s evolving business opportunities.
AIM’s services are related to transformational change, including practical consulting, innovative training and hands-on coaching. Find out how AIM Strategies® can support you (718-832-6767 or info@aim-strategies.com). See www.aim-strategies.com for more information about how AIM offers a personal, no-nonsense approach through the proprietary experiential learning methods (5D’s[TM] Consulting/Training Approach and the ACT Coaching Process[TM]). In upcoming issues of this newsletter, we'll update you on tips and techniques related to raising your innovative management IQ. PLEASE FORWARD this newsletter to your associates! Written by The AIM Team
your knowledge. Assist other
people. Give them your expertise.
Let others learn from you.
Use Recognition. Reward other people for what they do well. Take time to let others know that you appreciate them. Recognize yourself for own achievements. Challenge yourself and others. Don’t give up. Don’t procrastinate or be a perfectionist. Always strive to complete your activities and projects and to do so within your deadlines. Create Winners. Give people the resources they need to accomplish their goals, activities, and projects. Create an atmosphere for people to excel. Enthuse yourself and others. Approach life with vigor and excitement. Sure, you will have setbacks, but consistently maintain a demeanor of enthusiasm. It may rub off on others. Mickey Rooney said: Enthusiasm is like manure. If it sits in a big pile it stinks. If you spread it around, something might grow." Stay close to people you work with. Become their support system. Be their freind. Provide them with guidance and really listen to them when they are trying to provide you with information and direction. If you do they will likely help you too. Be a bridge builder. Strive for quality work. Accept nothing less. Sometimes people misinterpret productivity as doing more with less. Productivity is really doing the high-payoff activities consistently and with high quality. Consider this phrase: "Quality in everything we are and everything we do." |