A Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams
by Yael Zofi
Yael Zofi is a consultant, speaker, author, and CEO of AIM Strategies®, Applied Innovative Management®, a human capital consulting firm focused on developing global leaders, managing virtual teams and facilitating cross cultural interactions. With 25+ years of global consulting experience, she has worked with clients such as AT&T, Chase, CIGNA, General Electric, MetLife, Pfizer, Philips, Viacom, and Nokia. She works with leaders and teams on transformational initiatives that improve bottom line and enable stronger human connection in the virtual workplace.
Ms. Zofi has been featured in Forbes, CIO Digest, CNBC, Business Week, Watch IT TV, Harvard Business Review, Mindtools, Business of Life Radio, People & Strategy, Halogen Talent Management, All Business, eZines, Entrepreneur and Bloomberg.com, among others. See complete Media List.
She holds a Business Management degree from Rutgers University, a Masters Degree in Organizational Development from Columbia University and has done post-graduate work with AU/NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science.
Read complete bio Here.