
Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that

will be presenting at the

Organizational Development Network Fall Conference

What's Next? Transformation, Innovation
and Next Generation OD

San Juan, Puerto Rico
Tuesday, October 5, 2004

At this thought-provoking session, we'll reflect on past
generations of OD, probe the present and forecast the next wave.

How will your role evolve? Helping organizations adapt to and function effectively in a continually transforming environment is the OD challenge of the future. We will evolve from being agents of change to becoming agents of innovation! In this thought provoking session we will reflect on past generations of OD, probe the present and forecast the next wave. You’ll leave our session with techniques to help you and your clients secure a strong foothold in an unpredictable business environment, as we look at OD from the perspective of 2004. Through interactive dialogue we’ll explore how OD can facilitate innovation and connection in the rapid world of tomorrow.

For more information on AIM's session please click on

To learn more about the OD Network fall conference in Puerto Rico please visit

Hope you can attend and please invite others... Thanks, Yael.

AIM Strategies – Applied Innovative Management is a results-driven Management Consulting firm specializing in the areas of: Executive Coaching, Team Facilitation, Leadership Development, Executive Consulting, Team Building, Organizational Development, Team Effectiveness, Change Management, Culture Change Services. Yael Zofi, CEO. To request information about AIM Strategies, please click here; or if you would like to view information about us please go to the following link:

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Training & Development * Career & Executive Coaching * Team & Leadership Facilitation * Performance Management Consultation