AIM Strategies® has a new little sister and we couldn't be more proud!
For our loyal clients, dedicated subscribers, LinkedIn community and supportive colleagues, we are announcing the launch of our new branding website www.yaelzofi.com. We are extremely pleased with the quality, accessibility, relevance, and immediacy of this site. It is filled with resources, insights, and products straight from Yael's desk. And, we've designed it to be informative as well as entertaining.
It's our way of bringing Yael directly to you. This is a request we've often heard from our AIM Strategies® community and you were right. Now you can hear from and interact with your virtual teams expert as you choose. Whether it's through whitepaper, article or report downloads; or direct content on proven techniques, new approaches, or sneak peeks at soon-to-be-released publications, you will have access to Yael's voice. In addition, for more direct access to Yael, there are services such as one-to-one coaching sessions. It is our way of giving back for your input and advice on better ways to get Yael's expertise out to those who can benefit most. That's not to say we are finished hearing from you―like any child, this site needs TLC from its community to help it grow. We recognize there might be areas to improve before it meets all your expectations. Continue to communicate what those expectations are; we will respond.
This site has been part of our vision for the AIM Strategies® enterprise. It is rewarding to see it come to life.

We have always set high standards for our blog content as well. So this announcement isn't about improvement; it's about expansion and direction.
Coming in January, we invite you to tune in, whether as an active participant or passive observer―just make sure you tune in. We will be introducing a variety of topics to reach the multi-faceted interests of our readership. It's a "something in it for everyone" design that has our team energized and offers a broader range of industry specific content.
To give you an idea of what we have in the works, here are a few highlights:
- Virtual Teams - Virtual Teams is a hot topic for everyone and more relevant now than ever, so we will continue to bring you the latest news, highlights and trends.
- Featured Interviews - Interviews with change-makers and visionaries that impress us most.
- Tech Talk Tuesdays - We want to know what's out there, what companies and teams are using, and how you can access it.
- Guest Authors - We have a lot of friends and some may surprise you.
- Troubleshooting 101 - A new series that combines a case study-like feel with do-it-yourself suggestions full of tips and best practices all in a fast-paced and fun narrative.
- Special Reports - Business moves fast and we want to be the source you turn to for insights on current events.
- Newsroom Updates - Information on Yael's speaking tours, interviews and workshops.
In the meantime, for current virtual team management tips and suggestions, visit our blog at http://aim-strategies.com/blog.

DECEMBER 2013 Emerging Leaders Webinar Series by Yael for Foundation For Accounting Education (FAE) "Work Your Network" - Dec. 6; AMA Seminars: "Collaborative Leadership Skills for Managers" - Dec. 12-13 in New York.
JANUARY 2014 Lunch & Learn Series: "Setting Up Your Virtual Team" - Contact us at 718-832-6699; Emerging Leaders Webinar Series by Yael for Foundation For Accounting Education (FAE) Continues "Leadership Styles" - Jan. 9
FEBRUARY 2014 AMA Seminars: "Successfully Managing People" - Feb. 6-7 in New York; Lunch & Learn Series: "Running Effective Virtual Team Meetings" - Contact us at 718-832-6699.
MARCH 2014 Evolution Magazine, a quarterly publication of SKF in Sweden, will profile Yael; Lunch & Learn Series: "Managing Virtual Teams" - Contact us at 718-832-6699.

Lately, there has been a resurgence of interest in my second book, TOPS Managing Up, which focuses on how to identify your manager's style and build stronger upward relationships. The methodology behind this book formulated when I was in the corporate world and needed a way to manage my managers. It then became one of the most popular modules in my workshops and later a book. I've always had an inquisitive nature. I enjoy interactions with many companies and listening to my clients. So, I am constantly checking the industry's pulse. Why am I sensing increased urgency for managing up? Here's my take on the subject.
Managing up has always been important for career enhancement; but with increased reductions in workforce and management restrictions on staffing and development, it's likely being viewed as a tool for thriving in turbulent times. People are now realizing that career development is their responsibility, and a big challenge is developing a successful relationship with their manager. A good working relationship between you and your manager is like a partnership. It is a triple-win because you, your manager and the organization benefit. Although times are rough, stay calm. Whether you are just starting out, a mid-level manager or a senior executive, there will always be someone with whom you need to form an effective working relationship. Developing and maintaining one can ultimately change your working environment to your mutual benefit.

Thanksgiving with my family was exactly what I needed. I hope yours was also relaxing and memorable. Now, I'm focused on wrapping up 2013 coaching assignments, seminars, clients meetings and a lot of presents.
Don't forget the Lunch & Learn sessions starting in January. Stay posted to the blog for updates. Happy Holidays!